Saturday, August 6, 2011

Saturday Photo: Fruit Salad for an August Night

First special dinner since we've moved back. Jeanne and her parents, paella and fruit salad with Ontario peaches and BC cherries. What a nice prospect!


lagatta said...

Do I also see some tiny Québec blueberries peeking through? They are so delicious, and good for the health (nice combination). Me: Ontario peaches and Québec blueberries in a simpler fruit salad for two people.

I was pleasantly suprised to see your new posts, as I thought you'd taken a break from blogging to set up your post-fire-damage house. Have they really restored the woodwork and all?

Mary Soderstrom said...

No, not blueberries. Not of the stores in the neighborhood have the small Quebec ones we like. Must trek out to Jean Taion market soon.

The woodwork wasn't damaged, it was the lath and plaster and floors that were particularly damaged by the smoke. Will post some pix soon.