Monday, August 29, 2011

Good Sense from The Gazette, for Once: Leave the Car at Home

We've not been readers of The Gazette on a regular basis for years (long story, having in part to do with a class action I'm involved in against it) but today I was tempted to take a peek when Radio Can mentioned an editorial that for once makes sense.

"An autumn resolution: Leave the car at home" reads the headline. It goes on: "... while we all know that using public transit is the proverbial Good Thing, too many of us still don't do it. Faced with the prospect of squeezing ourselves in with many dozens of other people in a jammed bus or métro car on a sweltering day, it's pretty appealing to instead get behind the wheel or into the passenger seat of a comfortable, quiet, air-conditioned car. It's the wrong choice, but many of us do it anyway...

"If just five per cent of the population used public transit, even some of the time, it would get 400,000 cars off the road every day.

"That's an astounding figure - and one worth aiming for."


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