Saturday, 24 January 2009

Saturday Photo: Poinsettia and Snow

For the first time this year, I succeeded in getting a poinsettia to bloom again. The trick appears to be life in a sunny window during days of short daylight, and low light at night. At any rate, this plant flowered just before the first of the year and so far is holding up well.

I like the contraast between the red bracts and the snow outside. House plants--like long walks on days of sun on snow-make winter not that bad at all.

1 comment:

Mary Soderstrom said...

The Jardin botanique is one of my favourite places, and I used to drag the kids there when they were little for an afternoon away from winter. That led to my first non-fiction book, by the way: Recreating Eden, a Natural History of Botanical Gardens which looks at our own one very closely.

Enjoy it.