Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Fun Can Make You Change Your Behavior? Well, Maybe for a Little While

Thanks to Penney Kome for passing this one along: she's the source for some marvelous videos. The idea in this one is apparently to test whether having fun--The Fun Theory--is effective in changing behavior.

I’m not sure this one proves that—and I imagine that the noise could be a nuisance if you worked just off the corridor leading to the escalator. Certainly, once the novelty wears off, people are likely to go back to riding the escalator. And how much energy does a loaded escalator use? Can’t be all that much, although if you consider personal energy budgets, climbing stairs instead of taking escalators does ] make a difference.

But for a moment, it's fun to watch the people having fun taking the stairs. And maybe it will do something positive for music appreciation, too.


gardener said...

love it!

Anonymous said...

If only all the action sounded like the Scarlatti (?) at the end of the video. A Swedish friend who used to live near this station said that she is sure she spotted her son and her 3 year-old granddaughter in the piece. Carol