Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Seasonal Weather: Time to Bring the Plants Inside

The temperature was just a little above freezing this morning on the back porch, and the weather lady on Radio Can said there were flurries over high ground. That’s nothing like the cold and snow that’s already hit the Prairies, but certainly the season has changed.

Because we were expecting such a houseful on the weekend, I didn’t want to bring in the big house plants who spend the summer in the garden. One of the hibiscuses—the larger one, at six feet—seemed to be doing all right outside, but the one I’d put in front—the smaller, at five feet—looked remarkably unhappy yesterday morning. But it revived by night fall, once it was ensconced in the sunny front bedroom upstairs. Everything else I brought in also made the transition well. Only the two Christmas cactus plants and the fig remain outside. They can stand lower temperatures than the other things, and there is only so much one can do in a day.

As for me: well, I ate breakfast outside on the back porch as I usually do between mid-April and mid-October, but I didn’t tarry, despite my warm jacket. We turned the heat on too for the first time this season.

And this just in: Environment Canada is forecasting overnight lows below freezing by the end of the week. To everything there is a season, and I guess the one for cozying up inside has come.

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