Monday 29 May 2023

Saturday Photo (a little late): Bridle Veil...

The glory continues.  This week it is Bridle Veil that is featured. 


Saturday 20 May 2023

Saturday Photo: The Morning of Maximum Beauty

 There are some springs when you hit it just right, and this is one of them.  The many crabapples in Mount Royal Cemetery were at the peak of their glory this morning.  So glad I took a walk there.

Saturday 13 May 2023

Saturday Photo: The Optimal Lawn

 Violets are taking over our neighbourhood!  Or so it looks this spring.  Fifteen years ago or so therewere hardly any: I rustled some from up the street and planted them in our front yard.  Perhaps others did similar things, because now most lawns are full of thm and one street over there are some glorious examples of what can happen when you don't cosset grass.

Undoubtedly as good for pollinators as lawns like this are good for the eye!

Saturday 6 May 2023

Saturday Photo: Spring Is on Its Way...

 Last Sunday at the Lachine Rapids, despite the rain, it looked like spring would arrive soon.  The sun is out now, and the temperature is going up, so it looks like last week's promise is being fulfilled.