Saturday 27 April 2024

Saturday Photo: Ready to Set up Housekeeping

 For several years there have been  Mallard duck couple nesting in the Mount Royal cemetery.  This morning I was glad to see them there again.  They probably aren't the same couple--ducks don't have very long lives, and the American Bird Conservancy says they only stay together a season--but it is good to see that the little stream is still inviting, and that soon there probably will be a clutch of eggs laid.

The male

Sunday 21 April 2024

Saturday Photo: April is the Cruelest Month


A few snowflakes this morning, but the ponds at the Technoparc were clear and the geese were cruising. Still, spring seems a long way off,,,

Saturday 13 April 2024

Saturday Photo: Another Kind of Sunshine

We had a total eclipse here this week--quite a show.

And today I have sunshine in the form of sunflowers in my kitchen.  So nice to see these reflections of the Sun inside...

Very cheerful in this world full of far more somber things.

Sunday 7 April 2024

Saturday Photo: The Roman Empire for Today

How often do you think about the Roman Empire?

For a project that has a lot ot do with what we remember, collectively, I'm been doing a lot of lateral thinking and Googling around and found that last year a whole lot of women asked a whole lot of men that question and recorded their answers on Tik Tok.

Their answers were amazing (to me, at least): very often, even two or three times a day!

Would love to know how often YOU think about the Roman Empire, FB buddies...

The photo, BTW, was taken at Conímbriga, Portugal, which was one of the farthest west of the Roman outposts on the continent.