Sunday 24 September 2023

Saturday Photo: More Housing...


And then there's this highrise model. 

Saturday 16 September 2023

Saturday Photo: More Permanent Housing

 This wasp nest suddenly appeared this week.  Wasn't there on Monday, I'm sure, but it was looming like a malevalent piñata on Thursday.  Wasps are really amazing in the way they can build a very sturdy shelter in no time at all.

But it's gone.  After a call to the borough, a crew came and took it down.  I didn't see that happen, but I admire the moxie that it must take to wrangle with wasps.

Of course, the beasties have a right to live among us, but just not close that our worlds collide.  Saw another nest this morning about a block away: wonder if they just moved house...

Saturday 9 September 2023

Saturday Photo: Temporary Housing?

You're right: it's bird's nest.  Almost walked past it last week on the trail at the Parc des Rapides de Lachine last Sunday, but at the last minute it caught my eye.  I've no explanation of how it got there.  Certainly the breeding season is over in these parts, and from the looks of it, many birds are already preparing for winter migration.

The nest would appear to be in good shape, so I hope that it was home to a successful family of birdlings this summer.  Would that it were so easy to house the many folks who these days are having a hard time finding a place to stay. (Almost said "keeping a roof over their heads," but looks like the only "roof" was Mom or Dad's body during the nesting time.)

Saturday 2 September 2023

Saturday Photos: Hotline, a Very Good Novel Now Available in Audio and Ebook Formats


Head's up: The Atwater Library and Computer Centre's book discussion group--led by yours truly-- will be talking about Dimitri Nasrallah's Hotline at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 13. The book in audio and ebook formats is available to library members from now until then. All you have to do is follow this link to borrow a copy:
The book happens to be this year's Together We Read choice. Here's the link for more information:
The meeting will be for our first in-person discussion in more than three years. You don't have to sign up, just show up.